Friday, November 26, 2010


Attention all viewers and authors! Qwerty CPC is undergoing some MAJOR renovation! There will be guides added, etc. There will be some random posts about how to be a tour guide, etc., just ignore them. Ppppookie, are you done with that header yet? Thanks!

~*Qwerty13199, owner*


Lavamation said...

Awesome blog! How did you get the club penguin time widget?

Luna said...

Yes! Sorry I completly forgot to upload it! I'm just finishing off the design!

Qwerty13199 said...

O-M-G. This looks AH-MAZING! Thanks so much! If there's anything I can do for you, just ask!

Luna said...

Thanks! You don't need to repay me, I just enjoy making them. But I can I put my banner in the adspace?

Luna said...

But can I put my banner in the adspace? xD Woops

Lavamation said...

How did you get the club penguin time widget? Oh and AWESOME BLOG!! I love it. (not said with sarcasim)

Qwerty13199 said...

LOL ot's on the Community section of the CP homepage. I could email you the code if you want.

Qwerty13199 said...

OK sure Ppppookie!

FerdthebirdyCP said...


Awesome! BTW, great job! You are becoming more popular time by time! Faster than me! I hear you already work for 2 blogs?? SWEET! You are awesome!

Keep up the qweat...;)


Lavamation said...

um, ok my "e-mail" is

Qwerty13199 said...

@ Birdy
Awwww, thanks! It means so much to be complimented by a blogger as popular as you!